Happy Summer, Friends!
We finished up our school year last week and are officially on summer break. It feels SO NICE to be on break right now. We haven’t been out of the house much over the last several months and we are really looking forward to just getting OUT and doing some fun things! When you get in the habit of never leaving your house, it’s sort of hard to actually start leaving your house. Haha. That’s the stage I’m in now I think. Trying to push myself out the door.
The kids are going to be visiting grandparents for the month of June. Tristan is with Shelby’s parents now, and in a couple weeks we will swap and send Kate up to see them. Afterwards, all the kids and myself are going to make the trip back “home” to WV! I haven’t been home in almost 4 years, so I’m excited to get home for a little bit!
When we aren’t visiting family we hope to explore Louisiana a bit, play with friends outside, and go to the pool! The girls and I checked the pool out yesterday and it’s really nice. I’m so thankful we have the opportunity to go and relax and have fun!

I hope y’all are able to have a fun summer as well!