Spring Oils & Blends

I love essential oils and I’ve really enjoyed sharing my favorites things about them with friends. Since Spring is HERE I thought I’d share some Springy diffuser blends and my favorite Spring Time oils. If you’re not familiar with diffuser blends and what they are, they are “recipes” of oils …

Life Lately – Florida!

It’s been a very long time since I’ve updated here, and since that time a lot has happened! Our family moved back to Jacksonville, FL. We first lived here from 2010 – 2014 while Shelby was stationed at NAS Jax. This was where we had all our firsts! This is …

Happy Summer

Happy Summer, Friends! We finished up our school year last week and are officially on summer break. It feels SO NICE to be on break right now. We haven’t been out of the house much over the last several months and we are really looking forward to just getting OUT …